05.48 / Diposting oleh You Know /

Shortly before death you will find the heart to stop rattle, bated breath and body to vibrate. You feel cold in your ear. Blood becomes acid and contraction to the throat

0 Minutes:

Death occurs when a medical brain oxygen supply runs out.

1 Minute:

Change the color of blood and loss of muscle contraction, the contents of bag urine out ..

3 Minutes:

Brain cells died en masse. Currently, the brain actually stop to think.

4 - 5 Minutes:

Pupil eyes swell and tunicate. Eyeball contract lost because of blood pressure.

7 - 9 Minutes:

Contact the brain begin to die.

1 - 4 Hours:

Rigor Mortis * Create rigid muscles and the hair stand up, such as hair still grow after death.

4 - 6 Hours:

Rigor Mortis * Keep in action. Ago to gather the blood of dead skin color and become black.

6 Hours:

Muscle still berkontraksi. The process of demolition, such as the effect of alcohol is still running.

8 Hours:

The body temperature immediately decreased dramatically.

24 - 72 hours:

Guts by microbes decompose and pancreas start disgested himself.

36 - 48 Hours:

Rigor Mortis * Stop

3 - 5 Day:

Contamination resulted in large-scale injury, blood will come out of the mouth and nose.

8 - 10 Day:

Body color changes from green to red with the blood membusuknya.

Some of the Week:

Hair, Nail Care, Health and easily detached.

One Month:

You start to melt the skin.

One Year:

In addition to bone-callus no more remains of your body!

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